When you need a trusted land surveyor in Sonoma County
Gregory Haynes, Licensed Land Surveyor in Sebastopol, California

Modern equipment
Excellent technical expertise using modern advances in survey equipment, coupled with generations of surveying experience, allow us to provide you with the results you need for your project.

Property Boundary Surveys
Property boundary surveys are our specialty. We work with land owners, prospective buyers, and real estate professionals to find the most economical solutions to meet present and future needs.

Agriculture in Sonoma County is meant to be preserved and protected. Our experience in preparing conservation easements for land trusts helps to insure that our children will enjoy the same quality of life that we ourselves have inherited.

Sonoma County
The uniqueness of Sonoma County inspires us to seek sustainability in all aspects of land development. Sensitive and mindful design should inform all decisions concerning our impacts on the environment.

“All good things are wild and free.” ― Henry David Thoreau
The surveyor has traditionally been an agent of destruction to the natural world, his footsteps being closely followed by the bulldozer and the parking lot. Our practice seeks a new paradigm, one that treads more gently on planet earth.
Ambiguity in the position of property lines can create mistrust and friction between neighbors who, once the issues are clarified by a land survey, can co-exist without conflict. The surveyor is ethically and professionally bound to adjudicate property boundaries fairly and impartially, regardless of who pays the fee.
Any previous errors or discrepancies that are discovered by the survey must be resolved using time-tested legal principles that are fully disclosed in a map that becomes a matter of public record.

Gregory Haynes
Gregory Haynes began his professional career in Sonoma County in 1979. He is a third-generation surveyor who, like his father and grandfather before him, upholds the highest professional standards in service to his clients. Gregory Haynes, LS 4609, is licensed to practice land surveying in the State of California.